The Bible is nothing but what has happen since the begining of creation.It is a way of life as all religions, that believe in One G-D, so that you would do good and forbid evil.It is the manual ,the instruction book for the human race. In which all thing comes with instuction. And if you follow the instructions or manual of life you can never go wrong.It contain revelation of the past and what is to come to past. So life it's self only repeats it's self. What you have experience in life someone else will also experience. It may not be exactly the same way ,but similar.The Bible is intented for us to learn from the people that lived in the past so that when these same thing happen in our life time we would recognize it and change from repeating the past. You learn from your mistakes so that you can change the future. So what book would you use after the bible's last book revelation has been fulfilled?Would you continue to use the Bible and omitt revelation after it's fulfilment or use the other manual or instruction book to continue living the way of life intented for the human race,Qur'an?And use the Bible as a reference to the past. Revelation is the book of the end time.But what really is the end? The end came doing Noah's time by water,but the world was not destroyed than only parts of it.It was than as it will be this time only the evil in the world will be destroyed. And it maybe by fire as the Bible says but every one was not destoryed in Noah's time and everyone will not be destroyed this time .Only if we all become just that evil than it may. But the earth will still remain as the other planets in the universe. Don't let your bad out weigh your good. Man can never destroy G-D's earth, he can only destroy himself as the Bible speaks,because of his evil way.There are people that say, oh, I don't believe in G-d,He don't exist. But I have never heard of anyone that denied that the devil don't exist. If good in which the universe was created exist and there is two sides to everything ,than I close my case. For you was given the choice to choose between good or evil. Religion is not suppose to be forced on anyone. All that is meant to be done is to teach it so that all can hear but it is up to them to choose.If I want to pray in school with others that want to pray in school,I should not be denied the right to do it because of the devils that are in my class that don't believe. People don't have to be in the same room with people that smoke when they are smoking .But they didn't have to give up smoking. Same goes with pray .Don't hinder someone from the way of G-D because the devil don't approve. Religion is best understood if you use G-D given knowledge, Common Sense.
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