Through these eyes is about the things that I have experienced in my life,and also the event that took place."THROUGH THESE EYES" I have been blessed to see the truth and I'm pasting my blessing on to you knowledge is not yours to keep.You can't receive goodness if you don't give goodness,an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Homosexual acts is what should be the issue. We can't really judge a preson for being gay if we don't know why they are that way. Some have been raped others are that way because they have been brainwashed by they parents are friend because they was call a punk growing up not knowing what make you a homosexual. Name calling doesn't make you gay or a homosexual. There are some people that would say that because their kid was born with a feminine trait that they should have been be female. But how can that be when they genitals says speak for themself.It is you the parent or friend that mislead to make people believe this. We are all born with both feminine genes and masculine genes and sometimes the feminine genes overpower the masculine genes and they begin to like the things that a girl would like rather than what a boy would like and some of them even grow up to have a feminine voice, but they are all man and have a wife and kids. But never can you be a homsexual until you have laid with the same sex and had intercourse that is when you cross over ,the Bible speaks of it.
Now as for the practice of the act itself it should not be allowed in the military or in religion because it is forbidden in all religions. Islam don't stop anyone from being a muslim because the religion is for all mankind. And all religions should be.But none condemn the practice or the act of homosexuality.


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