Things are not like it use to be. We are living in a different age. The dead is dead and the living must keep on living. Things can't remain the same forever.Racism have been a problem since Adam and Eve. And Adam and Eve was just me and you until the devil intervene.Some said that G-D don't exist, but none have every said that the devil don't exist. All good comes from G-d and any evil that afflicts you is by your own hands. Just check out the word EVIL, now add the D-EVIL can you recognise him when you see him, he's EVIL. You was given a choice to do what is good or what is evil, it is not forced upon you. You do as you want and what you do knowingly is upon you and you alone. No one can bare the burden of another. Now the NAACP is supposably standing for the Advancement of "Colored" People. No one in this day and time goes by the name "Colored" People anymore. So who are they standing for? We are educated people and we should represent ourself as being educated, and stop thinking small of ourself by calling ourself "Colored" People and Negro, it is holding us back. Just like everyone else have a home land to be proud of so should WE. We are African American people. Just as Mexican Americans, European Americans, Chinese American and all other Nationalitys in this country. To use "Colored" People or Negro today is degrading ourself as if we are still a slave ,we are more intelligent than that.They can try to hold us back, but we don't have to help them.We hold ourself back by using words that degrade us and it needs to stop. You know it was said that the blackman would always be a boy to the whiteman.Have you not grown up to be the MAN that you really and call yourself as such. They ,"NAACP" have to change just like "THE WHITEMAN" have to change, nothing remains the same forever.
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