Degradation-meaning ;
1.Changing to a lower state (a less respected state)
2. a low or downcast state
Who's doing it, and who is allowing it to happen?
They make it okay for us to publicly call ourselves Niggar. And make it taboo for whites to use the so called (N) word.Regardless of who use the word it is degrading.Because the true meaning of the word Niggar is ignorant. I have explained in the past why we as black people was called Niggar by the whites. To give a brief run down again. It is because of what happened to us during our travel unwillingly from our country to this America as slaves. Once we was delivered here in America we was not allowed to call ourselves by the name that was given to us by our mother or father after we left our homeland.We was given the slave master's name, so we could be recognized as to who owned us. Your last name is that of the slave master. Not only did they strip us of our names but also of who we are. After the Civil Rights Movement it became known that they could nolonger call us Niggar anymore. So they started calling us Negro, check out your dictionary for the definition to the word Negro. which also derived from the word Niggar. And than they started calling us Afro Americans during the 70's. And in the late 70's we were calling ourselves who we really are African Americans. they had taken away from us the knowledge of self. Who we are,what language we spoke, the religion that we practiced in our homeland and the exact place we came from. We were made ignorant of ourself. So you see why the word niggar means ignorant. And now they are using reverse psychology by allowing us to use the Niggar freely in Rap Songs. while they sit on the side line laughing, saying to each other, Look see how we got them, we don't have to do nothing they are doing it for us and think it not harming them.It's degrading them. They are calling their own women Bitches and Whores even the women are doing it to themself .WE ARE IN POWER ,WE ARE CONTROL THEM. Hell, if it don't offend them then we wouldn't be wrong if we call them by the name they call themself they must want to be known as ignorant people. At least we are not using the (N) word. WHAT A LAUGH. Cause that is what they are doing to you. The word whore can refer to to anybody even men. I mean even in Hollywood you they have the DRIVe -IN and DRIVE-OUt marriages cause that is just how fast the divorce comes.But they got Paid Cing-cing. You get my drift. We don't see no whore in that when it happens over and over again. Makes you kind of wonder to what happened to "UNTIL DEATH DO US PART". It's see you later bye now a days and move on to the next one. And again we look at our TV and what do you see? Your got men playing the role of women. This is degrading especially when they have always played the MACHO man. ( Must be the money.) And all the cursing that is going on,on TV is being done by blacks and those who associate themself with blacks. in other word they are trying to say that they are the Niggar lovers so they degrade them too.