They start at talking about cutting the taxes of the middle class people as if these are the poor.In the frist place you have to be making $25,000 dollars a year and above to be considered middle class.So what do that say about the poor who also must pay taxes if they own a home,car or just purchasing anything.What kind of tax cut do they get? These are the people that make less than $25,000 dollars a year.These are the hard working people that work from pay check to pay check just to pay the cost of living.So if I was to be working and made the minimum wage of about $7.00 an hour and worked 40 hours aweek.I would make $280.00 a week before FICA and taxes not counting insurance if I'm lucky enough to afford it.So At $280.00 dollar x 4 weeks = $1,120 a month.Out of that you got to pay your utility and you may get lucky again and get on the budget payment plan that allows you to pay half of your bill a month.Say that you if your monthly bill is $200.00 dollars you would pay under the budget plan only $100.00 dollars,and this is year round even doing the winter. Because if your bill is lower than that doing the winter this is how you catch it up by paying the same. Than you have car payment,car insurance oh yeah let's not forget the rent $500.00 dollars for a two bedroom. Than grocery another $300.00 for three people than personals and clothing.And hopefully you don't have water and gas bill,but there is still gas for the car.Now tell me where is there any money to do anything else with.The poor never get a chance to go anywhere on vacation because they don't have the money and this is a single parent.So you know modern day slavery still exist today behind close doors.