Through these eyes is about the things that I have experienced in my life,and also the event that took place."THROUGH THESE EYES" I have been blessed to see the truth and I'm pasting my blessing on to you knowledge is not yours to keep.You can't receive goodness if you don't give goodness,an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Friday, March 30, 2007



By the way I am not the only Trillionaire in the world the owner of Stuff Magazine is also a Trillionaire.It was made public on 60 Minutes when I was in person.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Drug Dealers and Cartels are suable.

We can stop drugs in our neighborhood.And small time drug dealers can get more money if they sue the people that are bringing the drugs into the neighborhood for them to sell. Because the charge against them would be endangerment of your life with the intent to destroy your life. All you need to have is a video camcorder to video them and their vehicle that they drive tag number if you know they are known drug dealers.You can make more money that way by using the law rather than trying to beat the law. They are the ones that are getting rich and you are the ones that are doing time for their crime. 'WISE -UP' It is an attempt assault on your life and the life of your kids.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Allah in Arabic means The G-D Al--- ilah
The G-D
Jehovah is the Hebrew name for G-D Exdous 34:1-35


G-D is the creator of all things.Everything belongs to G-D. Surah 2:115 says, And Allah's is the
East and the West, so (whither)(to what place )you turn (thirther)(to that place) is Allah's purpose.Surely Allah is Ample-giving,Knowing.Surah 31:26 says, To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. Surely Allah is the Self-sufficient,adequate to accomplish His purpose or meet His need.So this says that he is of need of no one or nothing. Surah 2:117 says Wonderful (being into existence)(Orignator),of the heavens and the earth! And when He (command)(decrees) an affair, He says to it only,Be and it is. (The original word is Badi', which is applicable to the thing made as well as to the maker a thing is badi' which is not after the likeness of anything pre-existing,and badi' is also the person who makes or produces or brings into existence for the first time and not after the likeness of anything pre-existing).
Kun fa-yakunu (Be,and it is). Because G-D is the creator of all thing, everything has an order or purpose. Human being and all that is in the heavens and earth is not here by chance. Qur'an says, we were not "made for sport."Is is not a joke or game being played on us. Surah 44:38 says, And We did not create the heavens and the earth and that which is between them in (sport)(to amuse oneself).We were created to submission to serve G-d in justice with our neighbors, and in (complete trust)( faithful) management (control) of the earth. G-D says in Qur'an 112:1-4 Bimillah ir Rahaman ir Rahim (In the name of Allah, the Gracious ,Most Merciful.)
Says: He, Allah, is One. Allah is He on Whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He begotten; And none is like Him. The first verse proclaim the absolute Unity of Divine Being and deals a death -blow to all form of polytheism, including the Trinity. The second verse says that all have need of Him and He has need of none. So this verse is proof of what was said earlier. The third verse points out the error of those Religions which describe G-D as being father or son "He was not born nor does He give birth." The forth verse says that none can do what G-d can do. Four kinds of shirk (adding partners with G-D) are rejected here, a belief in a plurality of g-ds, a belief that others things possess the perfect attributes of the Divine Being, a belief that G-d is either a father or a son, and belief that others can do that which is ascribable only to G-D.Surah 2:255 Says Allah- there is no g-d but He, the ever-living, the self-subsisting by Whom all subsist. Slumber over takes Him not,nor sleep.To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them. and they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He pleases. his knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation(protecting) of them both tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Great.Surah 50:16 Says, And certainly We created man, and We know what his mind suggests to him-and We are nearer to him than his life - vein.


1.Remember also your Creator in the days of youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, "I have no delight in them";

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Do any one remembers the commercial with the Abraham Lincoln,General Lee( the groundhog) and the man that they was talking to, with astronaut in the background only to reveal his self?
Well if you do.Do you know what that commerical was telling you subliminally?
It from the start with the man coming into the room"Ar you're just getting up we was waiting on you.You want to play a game.". And General Lee said, "he cheats", Abraham replies, who honest Abe. And General Lee reply, What ever.
What they was trying to tell you is that because of what the man have given as proof on his web blog you are revealing yourself as being liars. And the purpose for the astronaut was to tell you like the movie of John Glenn To Do The Right Thing.

Surah 6: 111

111. Even if We did send unto them angels,
And the dead did speak unto them,
And We gathered together all things before their eyes,
They are not the ones to believe,
Unless it is G-D's Plan.
But most of them ignore (the truth).

Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm selling life;

You can't smoke it,
You can't snout it,
You can't drink it,
You can't shoot it up.

You can only live it:

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Homosexual acts is what should be the issue. We can't really judge a preson for being gay if we don't know why they are that way. Some have been raped others are that way because they have been brainwashed by they parents are friend because they was call a punk growing up not knowing what make you a homosexual. Name calling doesn't make you gay or a homosexual. There are some people that would say that because their kid was born with a feminine trait that they should have been be female. But how can that be when they genitals says speak for themself.It is you the parent or friend that mislead to make people believe this. We are all born with both feminine genes and masculine genes and sometimes the feminine genes overpower the masculine genes and they begin to like the things that a girl would like rather than what a boy would like and some of them even grow up to have a feminine voice, but they are all man and have a wife and kids. But never can you be a homsexual until you have laid with the same sex and had intercourse that is when you cross over ,the Bible speaks of it.
Now as for the practice of the act itself it should not be allowed in the military or in religion because it is forbidden in all religions. Islam don't stop anyone from being a muslim because the religion is for all mankind. And all religions should be.But none condemn the practice or the act of homosexuality.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The call to pray is similar in the three monotheistic religions.,Christianity,Islam and Judaism.
The Christians and Judaist use the bell of the church as a call to pray. And the Muslims call is made from the mimaret(alofty,often slender,tower or turret attached to a mosque, surrounded by or furnished with one or more balconies,from which the muezzin( the crier who,from a minaret or other high part of a mosque, at stated hours five times daily,intones aloud the call summoning Muslims to prayer.)
And the similarity you can find in the Bible compared to Qur'an.

The Call to Prayer
Christians called to assembly (Numbers 10:1-3)
The Taking off of Shoes
The Bible(Exodus 3:5 & Acts 7:33) Qur'an 20:11-12
Washing for Prayer
The Bible (Exodus 40:31-32) Qur'an 5:7
Pray and Face the East
The Bible( Daniel 6:10) Qur'an 2:142
Serve No G-D but G-D
The Bible (Exodus 20:2-5 & Matthew 19:16-17) Qur'an 4:116 & 5:72-73
All Prostrate and Bow
The Bible (Matthew 26:39, Joshua 5:14, I Kings 18:42, Numbers 20:6, Genesis 17:3) Qur'an 22:77
Hands Spread up to Heaven
The Bible (I Kings 8:54

The Prophets that G-D called His son:
Begetting a son is a physical act and is against G-D's nature. "Son of G-D should not be taken in a literal sense because G-D addresses His chosen servants as His "son". Adam (Luke 3:38),Solomon (I Chronicles 28:6), Jesus (Luke 3:22), Israel (Exodus 4:22) and Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:9) were "G-d's first born.
The New Testament also interprets "son of G-d" to be allegorical: (Roman 8:14)(I John 3:9-10).


Surah 3:6

6.He it is Who has revealed the Book to thee; some of it's verses are decisive-- they are the basis of the Book--and others are allegorical.Then those in whose heart is perversity follow the part of it which is allegorical, seeking to mislead, and seeking to give it (their own) interpertation. And none knows its interpertation save G-D, and those firmly rooted in knowledge. They say : We believe in it, it is all from our Lord. And none mind except men of understanding.