I'm just as tired of telling it as they are tired of me letting it be known. But it is what has to be known before the process for it to stop can begin. We as black people have gone through enough trying to survive in a European society.And they master plan is to keep us from doing anything because of the prophecy of the Bible that the meek( humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others) shall inherit the earth.And as they did with me by trying to provoke me to do something so that I would be known as the criminal . But when you know what someone plans are you are not just going to sit back and let it happen.This kind of thing is going on by State government across this country and now it is being done against the Mexicans as well. They are separating kids from their family as they have done in the past with black slaves. And they kids are left to fend for themselves leaving them prey for anyone that comes along to abuse them. They are the ones that are creating the crime problems in this country. Because they refuse to leave people along because of their self unrightousness. I know that we can't get along together because if we couldn't we wouldn't be here together. That is the reason why the Dinosaur is not here today we would have not survived together. We are all from Adam and Eve making us one race of people ,the human race. Anything else would be saying that the races are competing against one another. And what would the race be about color of skin? We can't never change that. And one surely didn't come from a monkey and the other Adam and Eve. Where is it written? That would make the monkey superior to them. APE that the truth. They Have this "Master Plan" to stop Revelation when what they do cause Revelation to manifest. They are the ones that do the high profile crimes so they provoke us to make it look as if we are the worst of the criminals. The time has come for change like it or not you can't stop what has been written to happen when you know that the days was numbered.
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