Through these eyes is about the things that I have experienced in my life,and also the event that took place."THROUGH THESE EYES" I have been blessed to see the truth and I'm pasting my blessing on to you knowledge is not yours to keep.You can't receive goodness if you don't give goodness,an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Monday, April 30, 2007


You got to give credit where credit is due. When I first got out I volunteered at B & J Presonal Care Home. And I found out that it really don't make a profit because of the people that are there most of them are on a fix income. I did volunteer work there just to have something to do. I was not on the payroll but I did get money to have in my pocket and it helped me to pay the fifty dollars I paid for rent and my phone bill. But It was about the money because I really just wanted to help out the people that was there because of who they are and what they was trying to do. But now I have come to realize that the people that own these Presonal Care Homes can apply foodstamps for the whole household because they are on low income and a fix income at that. And it would help the owners because everything that they make goes back into the business. They pay the lights,gas,water,food,transportation , plus payroll and it all comes from these people income. It's like you are coming to the client home working and taking care of them and they are paying you a pay check. Nobody is making any money it is just circulating the cash.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


(I don't need to call no name,you know who you are.)

In the Name of G-D, Most Gracious , Most Merciful.
Surah 4:61-63

61.When it is said to them: "Come to what G-d hath revealed, and the Messager":
thou seest the Hypocrites avert their faces from thee in disgust.
62. how then, when they are seized by misfortune, because of the deeds which their hands have sent forth?Then they caome to thee, swearing by G-D: "We meant no more than goodwill and conciliation!"
63. those men-- G-d knows what is in their hearts; So keep clear of them,but admonish them,and speak to them a word to reach their very souls.

I grew up in a christian family and everyone in my family went to church just about every Sunday from what I remember. It was a big house on Famn was my mom,my two uncles, two aunts ,my grandmother three brothers and a sister.We even had a cousin that was the pastor of that church,the late Rev.Richard Williams. I was even baptized by him in the church we all are a member of First Byran Baptist Church.My family always talked about the bible at home. And in doing so being just a kid I would listen to what they said was written in the Bible. And being just a kid I must have been about five years old. That's at a time when you are still innocent. We are all born in a state of innocence.In Islam they say in a state of fataw. The meaning is the same the language is different. but they would talk about Abraham and how in the old Bible it said that the chilren of Abraham was crused because they was black. Also in that in the bible at that time in Revelation it spooke that of the prison busting wide open. And it also spoke of people who was born with a veil on their eyes.These things are not found in the Bible today.So you see they have taken out what they wanted and put in what they want. Muslims believe in alll the books in it original state, because all books are from G-d.You know the devil will ease up under you and whisper in your ear. Psalm 41:7 Says, All who hate me whisper together against me. I'm not trying to convert anyone to Islam it is not a forced on religion. G-d gives us all free will to choose as we please.

The Rise of False Prophets
2 Peter 2:1-9

1. But false prophets also arose among the people,just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them , bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
2. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned;
3. and in their greed they will exploit, you with false words; their judgement from long ago is not idle, and their destrustion is not asleep.
4. For if G-D did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgement;
5. and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly;
6. and if He condemned the citites of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter;
7. and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men
8. (for by what he saw and heard that righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds)
9. then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrigtheous under punishment for the day of judgement.

They are keeping my life on hold because they have shamed themself.And they don't want to be embarassment and the only way I'm to be public is on the web.And the website is around thworld. the only thing they are hiding from is the American public. all because of their lies against me to make me public it would be an embarassment to them.

You know you talk religion and people would look for anything to try and discredit you.They are following me around on the web like Paparazzi's.Looking for anything that I may do wrong. I am not a saint I am just a humanbeing and that is what they did to Jesus. They made him more than what he was. When he himself said that he pray to the father.Than if he is G-D why would he pray to himself or pray at all if he was G-D. And also if he was G-D do you think that G-D would let that which He created kill him and all that He created in the heavens and earth would still exist when He is the substainer of all things. We are listening to man words and not G-D words.Jesus was only a prophet and a man of flesh and blood . He died like everything else dies. No man can bare the bruden of another. The sin that he died for was the one commited against him. You killed the man for no reason . Is that not a sin? G-D is spirit only and could never die or have need of you me or anything in creation in which He created. And I am just a humanbeing born into sin as we all are. Because of Adams original sin. Don't make me more than a person who is only telling you the truth and is trying to do the right thing in life by helping others to change their way of life for the better. There is nothing superhuman about me or supernatural. I was blessed above others because of what my grandmother was born with over her eyes and I am the youngest of the family. And because of this happening to me I was force to give up my evil way and try and do to the best of my ablity,the right things in life. But the flesh is weak so that makes me only human. Go to google search and write in jasalfa, look at in which now they have taken my profile off. But when it was there in my guestbook they had put a nude woman.Which was done by them and I have a copy. Now they also have me there on blackvoices in which I post the question. Do you think you have a Coke Cola Body Shape? And I used a woman picture that is clothes in bootie shorts. I don't know what they are trying to prove. But what I am doing is what the Bible said,that all shall know the truth. And that means that the truth shall be heard where ever you are. You can be a drunk on the street a drug addict or what ever. There can be no one that can said that they wasn't told.THE TRUTH: And I'm being true to who I am, Myself.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Things are not like it use to be. We are living in a different age. The dead is dead and the living must keep on living. Things can't remain the same forever.Racism have been a problem since Adam and Eve. And Adam and Eve was just me and you until the devil intervene.Some said that G-D don't exist, but none have every said that the devil don't exist. All good comes from G-d and any evil that afflicts you is by your own hands. Just check out the word EVIL, now add the D-EVIL can you recognise him when you see him, he's EVIL. You was given a choice to do what is good or what is evil, it is not forced upon you. You do as you want and what you do knowingly is upon you and you alone. No one can bare the burden of another. Now the NAACP is supposably standing for the Advancement of "Colored" People. No one in this day and time goes by the name "Colored" People anymore. So who are they standing for? We are educated people and we should represent ourself as being educated, and stop thinking small of ourself by calling ourself "Colored" People and Negro, it is holding us back. Just like everyone else have a home land to be proud of so should WE. We are African American people. Just as Mexican Americans, European Americans, Chinese American and all other Nationalitys in this country. To use "Colored" People or Negro today is degrading ourself as if we are still a slave ,we are more intelligent than that.They can try to hold us back, but we don't have to help them.We hold ourself back by using words that degrade us and it needs to stop. You know it was said that the blackman would always be a boy to the whiteman.Have you not grown up to be the MAN that you really and call yourself as such. They ,"NAACP" have to change just like "THE WHITEMAN" have to change, nothing remains the same forever.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Why would a people be denied the right to vote just because they have a felon on their record?
Can you answer that question? Feel free to use the comment I'm sure your government would like to hear. Because there is no crime that you can committed by voting. Unless you, the elected is a criminal and all the criminal would have to know that and you the so called law abiding citizen wouldnt know.I don't think so. That would be like driving with your eyes closed. So why is it that they don't let criminals vote ? They are tring to elimate the black voter and you do this to all so call criminals. Maybe it is because the majority of them are black and you want to keep the governments white as is being done ,so this is how you do it. Because you use any criminal record against them ,misdemeanors and felony records. So what about traffic violation this comes under misdemeanors. I think this would stop alot of other people as well.
I think we need to revisit the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it hasn't changed.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Other sites that I'm on: They will not let you see me there because they messed it up.That is how that messed it up.
I have two green card from the President for the certified letters I sent.

The federal government knew about the computer in Coffee County Prison ever since it was sent in September of 2002. You wouldn't let me get out dummies. They sent my letters back when the computer came from America Civil Liberty Union the Prison Project and the FBI letters Atlanta branch was sent back as well .When they all was recieving it before the computer came. I just was writing my own story according to how I lived my life in and out of prison.I detailed it,it a diary. What do you think they sent the Truthfinder for (Cobra) ?It only in Georgia for now. And I was told in prison about the money , and was sent the web picture with my picture on it entitle The Unied States Department of Corrections it's the State of georgia that put Georgia Department of Correction on the reciept that is on the web I just played along. And the web had Phillips State Prison on the third page of it so I knew I couldn't be moved. I controls the computer it's voice controled by me only it talks in thin air. I was computer illiterate that's why it's voice control until I got out of prison and taught myself.

What are all the political parties for? You have the Democratic Party that is said to be for the poor. The Repubilican Party that is said to be for the rich. And the Independent Party that is just independent or liberals. There appear to be separation here, when they are suppose to be for all the people, I would vote for the liberals.We all know that when it comes time to be elected they all run to the blacks to get their vote.But in their campaign speech promise I don't see any of them talking about what they plan to do to help blacks. And then once in office they surround themself with all white government then why do they make it so important to get the black's vote.It sound like to me that we are the ones that are getting them in office and being jacked by goverment. I thought that in The Declaration of Independence it says, "We hold these Truths to self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..." The Declaration is not the law of the land . The Declaration is more of the idea of our country,The Constitution is the law. Now I have done it by the law and the law makers and enforcers are all on my other web blog.I have even written to Social Sercurity main office for a social sercurity card since Feburary and still no one answers me in any government,local state or federal. I can't work because I'm disable and if I could I wouldn't be able to keep the job because they can't file taxes on me because the social sercurity card has been disabled since 2002. So what I'm I to do when even the white media refuse to make know what is going on. This is the blame that black people put on whites because they cause us a problem in our life and claim it's not their fault.Then who's fault is it when they are the ones in power?I think that everyone needs to run for political office because politics is nothing but a bunch of lies and anyone can do that.



September 20, 2006

From December 2001 until now sleep has been my only peace from the torture that I'm going through.Because of the radiated system that they have on me that are being used.They made the systems public on America's Most Wanted in 2001.They are what the railroad,buses and subway train use to keep track of their transportion system. These people I can hear them and they can hear me. And because of the radiation shoots they took to use with these system they can see through my eyes and read my mind. And this was there connection to the Psychic Center. And also why you can hear a train sound in thin air but not see it. Seeing through my eyes is like 24 hours 365 days a year there is no privacy everything I do they know it . I can't even think to myself and it can't be reversed. This is a hideous and you the white media want to cover for it.Guilty by Prejudice not by Law.( Prejudice--an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason)We are being dictated to by white media. And what ever they put in my food at Coffee County Prison is the reason they have been messing with me undetected.And there is nothing they could do about it because the people that are using them on me are themself radiated and caught in radiation of a low level in that prison. And they the State knew they couldn't get it off of me until the federal government do what they could to get it off. These people in that prison are surrounded by these systems and can't get away from them. I had wrote the Department of Correction and told them they had to have invoices on the prison equipment in that prison because private citizens can't own prison equipment. And that when they fired the whole Department of Correction and made it public one hundred and thirty of them of them was fired.When I wrote the President in 2002 Reconnaissance Planes was used to listen to the systems that are on me. One time at Central state Prison in Macon, Ga. and again at Phillips State Prison in Buford, Ga.They both flew at very low level because the systems that these people are using at Coffee County Prison are ground level and can only be heard at low level.That is why when I got out they went to using a unmarked blimp and later put Mutual Insurance on it. The pain that I feel and wake-up with everyday of my life is excruciating and it can only be felt because it is in the skin and can't be seen. What I fell is like electricity going through my skin. The State put it on paper record at Phillip State Prison and also have it in an x-ray it looks like gases. It is aggravating and painful and they know that they are doing something that is hard for me to prove without the proof. That is the reason why they was trying to make me a mental patient. Because to talk about it and can't prove it would make people think that something is wrong with me, but little do they realize that they are proving it because they won't talk to me and what I write they can't deny because the truth verifies it's self.That is why they are trying to make me a mental patient and try and aggravate me to the point that I would lose my mind and they would be the ones to handle my money and had gotten away with their crime. What is going on is what has been causing problems in Washington DC. Because my letters was receive by the President and I have two green cards to prove it.(Read December 8, 2005 Entitled Is It Georgia State Government or the United States Government:)