Through these eyes is about the things that I have experienced in my life,and also the event that took place."THROUGH THESE EYES" I have been blessed to see the truth and I'm pasting my blessing on to you knowledge is not yours to keep.You can't receive goodness if you don't give goodness,an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
September 20, 2006
From December 2001 until now sleep has been my only peace from the torture that I'm going through.Because of the radiated system that they have on me that are being used.They made the systems public on America's Most Wanted in 2001.They are what the railroad,buses and subway train use to keep track of their transportion system. These people I can hear them and they can hear me. And because of the radiation shoots they took to use with these system they can see through my eyes and read my mind. And this was there connection to the Psychic Center. And also why you can hear a train sound in thin air but not see it. Seeing through my eyes is like 24 hours 365 days a year there is no privacy everything I do they know it . I can't even think to myself and it can't be reversed. This is a hideous and you the white media want to cover for it.Guilty by Prejudice not by Law.( Prejudice--an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason)We are being dictated to by white media. And what ever they put in my food at Coffee County Prison is the reason they have been messing with me undetected.And there is nothing they could do about it because the people that are using them on me are themself radiated and caught in radiation of a low level in that prison. And they the State knew they couldn't get it off of me until the federal government do what they could to get it off. These people in that prison are surrounded by these systems and can't get away from them. I had wrote the Department of Correction and told them they had to have invoices on the prison equipment in that prison because private citizens can't own prison equipment. And that when they fired the whole Department of Correction and made it public one hundred and thirty of them of them was fired.When I wrote the President in 2002 Reconnaissance Planes was used to listen to the systems that are on me. One time at Central state Prison in Macon, Ga. and again at Phillips State Prison in Buford, Ga.They both flew at very low level because the systems that these people are using at Coffee County Prison are ground level and can only be heard at low level.That is why when I got out they went to using a unmarked blimp and later put Mutual Insurance on it. The pain that I feel and wake-up with everyday of my life is excruciating and it can only be felt because it is in the skin and can't be seen. What I fell is like electricity going through my skin. The State put it on paper record at Phillip State Prison and also have it in an x-ray it looks like gases. It is aggravating and painful and they know that they are doing something that is hard for me to prove without the proof. That is the reason why they was trying to make me a mental patient. Because to talk about it and can't prove it would make people think that something is wrong with me, but little do they realize that they are proving it because they won't talk to me and what I write they can't deny because the truth verifies it's self.That is why they are trying to make me a mental patient and try and aggravate me to the point that I would lose my mind and they would be the ones to handle my money and had gotten away with their crime. What is going on is what has been causing problems in Washington DC. Because my letters was receive by the President and I have two green cards to prove it.(Read December 8, 2005 Entitled Is It Georgia State Government or the United States Government:)